Sunday, January 31, 2010

February Issue of Apron*ology Magazine Finally Here!

I couldn't believe my eyes when I received my mail yesterday.  There it was...."the magazine", I have been waiting for so long.  I thumbed through the pages searching to see my aprons in print.  There they were on pages 60/61 and pages 78/79.  Apron*ology made them look so beautiful.  I guess you can tell that this is the first time I have ever been "in print".  I was so excited.  I called all of my friends to let them know the good news.  My mother ran down to our area book store, but they did not have them out as of yet.  Hastings informed us it would be probably on Monday or Tuesday before the magazine was set out.  Now I am frantically listing all of my new aprons on etsy as fast as I can.  I still have 8 more to list tonite after work. 

Here are some pictures of my latest aprons.

Next week I am on vacation for 7 days.  YEAH FOR ME!  Although, I love being a Respiratory Therapist (I hope so since that is what I have been doing for the past 25 years)   I haven't had a vacation since the summer of 2008 and I definately think that this is a well deserved break.    I have no specific plans except  to  sew, sew and sew. (ok, so I might knit a little too.)  Take a look at my Etsy shop.  I hope to have lots of new aprons to choose from. 

Saturday, January 2, 2010


I am just so excited.  I just located a picture of the new copy of APRON*OlOGY magazine.  Look for it at book stores on February 1st.

I know I should be on "cloud nine" since 2 of my aprons will be featured in this years magazine, but, I have a secret desire...  You see the magazine site always shows a few featured pages of aprons before it hits the newsstand.   I was so wanting one of my aprons to be displayed., not even one of them made the lucky cut, sigh,  (slight disapointment).   Okay! so I am a little SPOILED!  There are some very pretty aprons that are shown though.  Take a quick peek on  I guess I will have to behave and wait for the next 30 days to see just how everything turns out.   

 Christmas was great for APRONS this year.  I was selling my aprons as quick as I could make them.  I never had a chance to list them in my etsy store.  (Hence, there are only 3 listed now)   Now I am just sewing like a mad woman.  So keep an eye out for new stock.