Monday, May 17, 2010

No Excuses !!!

As my friend, Anne, of  FIONA and TWIG pointed out this morning.....its been 5 weeks since I have posted to my blog.   Anne began her blog about one to two months before I have 30 followers (which I am very proud of) compared to her over 900 followers.  I must be a total "blog" disgrace to her.  I am so sorry Anne, I will try to spend more time blogging.(as I hang my head down). hahahahaha

I have only 13 days till my family is taking a "mini vacation" to Galveston, Texas.   Although we have been to Galveston many times (my family lives in the area), it will still be great to get away and play tourist for awhile.  To all that have never gone to Galveston, Moody Gardens is a must.  There are 3 large pyramids that enclose a tropical garden, an aquarium and a museum.  Below are some pictures.

This is the steamship that escorts you down the  Galveston Bay.  We usually spend 1 to 2 days here.  Then of course we have to eat at the
My daughter seems to think that Restaurant is the coolest ever.  I will say it is an experience.  There is also a boat ride inside this restaurant.   I just can't wait.  FUN, FUN, FUN....not to mention the seafood.

Back to work now, but I'll be back soon, renewed and refreshed!
