This Blog is about my new, one-of-a-kind online shop, Paisley Grove. I handcraft soap, bath fizzies/bath bombs, bath salts, colorful aprons, towels, linens, purses, pillows (among other items). I focus on my products to have fantastic texture, fabulous colors, details of beads, ruffles, embroidery or crocheted trim to create a little drama. I will also include a little vintage and shabby chic from time to time. Go check it out, click on the buttons or widgets below.
Friday, April 27, 2012
PaisleyGrove- My New Online Store
Well I'm not sure how long I expected this to take but I've been working for over a month now to get my online store up and running. Some how, that web hosting site, made it appear a lot easier and faster to do. I think my LIFE gets in the way. Between working at the Hospital full time, I just don't have enough play time for myself. But since this web site is sooooo easy to set up, I have a feeling I better find more time before it becomes 6 months and I still don't have the online store published. I will set a personal goal for myself. Let see, I have only one item listed, maybe I should set a goal for 3, thats not that unrealistic with two whole days off.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
My New Online Shoppe
I have one knitting project in one corner, sewing in another, bath fizzies drying on a shelf , while still two of my bedrooms are now dedicated to craft supplies. I know all of this clutter or what I like to call my creativity, drives my family crazy. I knew I needed to find a solution and become more organized with my crafts, ok, I really just need to find a home for all of my "CREATIONS". All I know is a person can only wear so many aprons. This year I have decided to design an online store that will contain all of my handcrafted items, craft supplies and some vintage items. Two weeks ago, I purchased my domain name, and began to work on my new project. I just didn't realize how hard and time consuming it would be. I must say that the hosting site that I am using has a lot of education videos,,,,thank goodness. Now I can't wait for the end result.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Panic Over September 15th Deadline
So I have no idea why I have placed myself in this stressfull situation once again. I have procrastinated all year long. Actually, It feels like I blinked and the year flew by. I have waited until the last moment to create aprons for the September 15th submission deadline in chance that they might be picked for the APRON*OLOGY 2012 magazine. I have planned on submitting two aprons. So far, I have only one in the sewing process and have only created the bib. Since I design my aprons as I go along, I can't wait to see the finished project. But I do have a great idea that involves, suede, cow print, and barb wire trim....hint, hint. I will post the finished apron pictures as soon as they are completed. So look out all of my fellow Apronistas out there, there is going be a lot of competition this year. I feel its such an honor to be part of such a fantastic magazine as Apron-logy. Enough of my jibber jabber, the pressure is now on. I have the next two days off from work, time to warm up the sewing machine and get down to business.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Summer Fun
I've been fussed at again...Its been 8 months since I last posted on my blog. So much has happened I am not sure where to start. My "mother and daughter apron set" came out in the February issue of Apronology. I was given a 3 page feature spread with also one of my apron pictures located on one of the index pages. I was so excited to see my aprons in print. I have felt so blessed the past two years I just hope I came repeat it once again this year.
Now that school is out, vacation is over, I can start focusing on my aprons again. I found some adorable fabric in the past few months that is begging to be sewn.
By April my mother was busy trying to get ready for my grandmother to move in with her. She had lots of organizing, cleaning and redecorating to accomplish by the time my grandmother moved in (end of May). My mother lives 5 houses down the street. Now I have both of them 5 houses down. I think it has been a big adjustment for both of them. My mother has a 3 bedroom home but my grandmother moved out of a 2 bedroom apartment. They are a little cramped for space but it will be great having all of us girls together in the same town, 4 generations. All of us love to cook and do crafts so I anticipate fun times ahead. Below is a picture I took last summer at my grandmother's place.
My family and I went to Disney World in June and had a fantastic time.... as usual. I just love that place. Although we were home sick after the 8 days....we still didn't want to leave Micky, Minnie, Donald and Daisy behind. It was so stinking hot down in Florida though...I thought I was literally melting. In 2006, during our first Family Disney trip, I took a picture like this one...Now 2011 version, lets hope it actually ends up in the Christmas Cards that is was intended for...
Now that school is out, vacation is over, I can start focusing on my aprons again. I found some adorable fabric in the past few months that is begging to be sewn.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
PICK ME! Oh, please pick me.
Pick me, oh, please pick me....are the little words that have been jumping around in my head for the past couple of weeks as I think about my apron submissions to Apron*ology Magazine. I am still in awe of having had 2 of my aprons picked for the February Issue 2010 Apron*ology magazine. It makes me all giddy feeling inside just thinking about it. SOOOOO you can imagine when I received an email on Friday, October 8, at 1020am announcing that 2 of my aprons have been selected to be in the 2011 Edition. WOOOOO HOOOO. Now, at this point, my excitement could hardly be contained. My husband had come home early from work, and found me jumping around and screaming. I immediately reached for my cell phone and started calling everyone that I could think of and announce the good news. The Mommy and child green apron set is what was selected. Both aprons have handcrafted crochet flowers that match the design of the material. I haven't heard about the pink apron yet. I'm still keeping my finger crossed.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Summer is Over?
Summer is Over? My memories of the past 90 days can be condensed in a flash of a second. I can't believe it has come and gone. My off days were filled with chauffeuring my daughter around to the numerous sports camps that she attended, extremely hot sultry days and nights (almost too hot to breathe), sewing more aprons, working on my TKGA knitting course, and of course working at the hospital. Our schools have already been in session for almost 6 weeks and I'm now wondering were that time went. Is it really true that time flies as you get older?
My stress week was meeting Stampington & Company 's admission deadline of September 15th. I was so honored last year to have two aprons featured in their Feb. 2010 Issue of Apron*ology. I keep hoping that I will get picked again this year. I sent a pink apron that reminds me of a Scandinavian print, and a Mother and Daughter apron that is full of color and sass.
I can't wait to hear their selection of aprons to be picked for the next edition.
I can't wait to hear their selection of aprons to be picked for the next edition.
The greatest news is I booked our Disney World Vacation planned for next summer. We booked the Pirate Room at the Caribbean Beach Resort. I can't wait. Look how adorable the picture is.
I am so Disney obsessed. I will be posting more and more pictures as the time gets closer. My husband and I try to plan our days that the best that one can. It does pay to be as organized as possible at Disney so you can enjoy yourselves stress free (like making dinner reservations). I will not forget our trip 2 years ago when I forgot to make the dinner reservations for Epcot.....we walked for 2 hours until we found a restaurant that could take us. Never, Never AGAIN. Not this girl. This is more pictures of the Caribbean Beach Resort.
This is just one of the 6 pools they have. Huge slide.
Part of the man made 46 acre beach.
Next we will start working on our itinerary for each day. For now,,I will continue countdown of 250+ days until we see Mickey.
Monday, May 17, 2010
No Excuses !!!
As my friend, Anne, of FIONA and TWIG pointed out this morning.....its been 5 weeks since I have posted to my blog. Anne began her blog about one to two months before I have 30 followers (which I am very proud of) compared to her over 900 followers. I must be a total "blog" disgrace to her. I am so sorry Anne, I will try to spend more time blogging.(as I hang my head down). hahahahaha
I have only 13 days till my family is taking a "mini vacation" to Galveston, Texas. Although we have been to Galveston many times (my family lives in the area), it will still be great to get away and play tourist for awhile. To all that have never gone to Galveston, Moody Gardens is a must. There are 3 large pyramids that enclose a tropical garden, an aquarium and a museum. Below are some pictures.
My daughter seems to think that Restaurant is the coolest ever. I will say it is an experience. There is also a boat ride inside this restaurant. I just can't wait. FUN, FUN, FUN....not to mention the seafood.
Back to work now, but I'll be back soon, renewed and refreshed!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Sold All But One Apron !
I can't believe the week I have had.
I had listed about 14 Aprons on etsy (including my Halloween apron) during the past couple of months. I have only sold 2 so far on etsy...very slow sales.
One of the girls I work with at the Hospital asked me to bring all my aprons (18 total) to work just to look at them. So here I am, trying to be very cafeful that "bosses" did not see, (we have a NO solicitation rule now), sneaking around each corner......well it was a profitable showing....the girls went crazy, money was being thrown and they were snatching aprons out of each others' hands, and all 18 were sold.
So it looks like I need to get sewing on more aprons.
Monday, March 15, 2010
One of my peeps is having a really cool givaway. Its not hard to sign up. Just grab her button on her blog and become a follower. Take a look, its a FANTASTIC blog. Her blog is addictive. Her witty personality shines and is intertwined through her written word.
A ticket for 10 francs for the Panama Canal
A handwritten menu from 1946
A carte postal with a lady, a gentleman and flowers
2 music cards (used by marching bands in parades) wrapped in 1 yard of antique French ribbon with a tiny saint medal attached.
Hurry! Time is limited, I've been informed (by a little birdy) the drawing will be March 31st!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
February Issue of Apron*ology Magazine Finally Here!
I couldn't believe my eyes when I received my mail yesterday. There it was...."the magazine", I have been waiting for so long. I thumbed through the pages searching to see my aprons in print. There they were on pages 60/61 and pages 78/79. Apron*ology made them look so beautiful. I guess you can tell that this is the first time I have ever been "in print". I was so excited. I called all of my friends to let them know the good news. My mother ran down to our area book store, but they did not have them out as of yet. Hastings informed us it would be probably on Monday or Tuesday before the magazine was set out. Now I am frantically listing all of my new aprons on etsy as fast as I can. I still have 8 more to list tonite after work.
Here are some pictures of my latest aprons.
Next week I am on vacation for 7 days. YEAH FOR ME! Although, I love being a Respiratory Therapist (I hope so since that is what I have been doing for the past 25 years) I haven't had a vacation since the summer of 2008 and I definately think that this is a well deserved break. I have no specific plans except to sew, sew and sew. (ok, so I might knit a little too.) Take a look at my Etsy shop. I hope to have lots of new aprons to choose from.
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